
[1] Kanevche, K., Burr, D. J., Nürnberg, D. J., Hass, P. K., Elsaesser, A., & Heberle, J. (2021). Infrared nanoscopy and tomography of intracellular structures. Communications biology, 4(1), 1-8.

[2] Elsaesser, A.,  Merenda, F.,  Lindner, R., Walker, R.,  Buehler, S.,  Boer, G.,  Villa, A.,  Hallak, Y.,  Aguado, F.,  Alberti, E.,  Wood, B., SpectroCube: a European 6U nanosatellite spectroscopy platform for astrobiology and astrochemistry. Acta Astronauticaepub ahead of print (2020)

[3] Sgambati, A., Deiml, M., Stettner, A., Kahrs, J., Brozek, P., Kapoun, P., Latini, V., Mariani, M., Rabbow, E., Manieri, P. Demets, R. and Elsaesser, A., SPECTROModule: A modular in-situ spectroscopy platform for exobiology and space sciences. Acta Astronautica166, pp.377-390 (2020)

[4] de Vera, J.P., Alawi, M., Backhaus, T., Baqué, M., Billi, D., Böttger, U., Berger, T., Bohmeier, M., Cockell, C., Demets, R. and de la Torre Noetzel, R., Edwards, H., Elsaesser, A., et al Limits of life and the habitability of Mars: The ESA space experiment BIOMEX on the ISS. Astrobiology, 19(2), 145-157 (2019)

[5] Blachowicz, A., Chiang, A.J., Elsaesser, A., Kalkum, M., Ehrenfreund, P., Stajich, J.E., Torok, T., Wang, C.C.C. and Venkateswaran, K., 2019. Proteomic and Metabolomic Characteristics of Extremophilic Fungi Under Simulated Mars Conditions. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, 1013 (2019)

[6] Martins, Z., Cottin, H., Kotler, J.M., Carrasco, N., Cockell, C.S., de la Torre Noetzel, R., Demets, R., De Vera, J.P., d’Hendecourt, L., Ehrenfreund, P. and Elsaesser, A. Earth as a Tool for Astrobiology - A European Perspective. Space Science Reviews, 209(1-4), 43-81 (2017)

[7] Cottin, H., Kotler, J.M., Billi, D., Cockell, C., Demets, R., Ehrenfreund, P., Elsaesser, A., d’Hendecourt, L., Van Loon, J.J., Martins, Z. and Onofri, S. Space as a tool for astrobiology: review and recommendations for experimentations in Earth orbit and beyond. Space Science Reviews, 209(1-4), 83-181 (2017)

[8] Aerts, J.W., Elsaesser, A., Röling, W. F. M., Ehrenfreund, P. A contamination assessment of the CI carbonaceous meteorite Orgueil using a DNA‐directed approach. Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 1–12 (2016).

[9] Demets, R., Bertrand, M., Bolkhovitinov, A., Bryson, K., Colas, C., Cottin, H., Dettmann, J., Ehrenfreund, P., Elsaesser, A., Jaramillo, E. & others. Window contamination on Expose-R. Int. J. Astrobiol. 14, 33–45 (2015).

[10] Bryson, K. L., Salama, F., Elsaesser, A., Peeters, Z., Ricco, A. J., Foing, B. H. & Goreva, Y. First results of the ORGANIC experiment on EXPOSE-R on the ISS. Int. J. Astrobiol. 14, 55–66 (2015).

[11] Elsaesser, A., Quinn, R. C., Ehrenfreund, P., Mattioda, A. L., Ricco, A. J., Alonzo, J., Breitenbach, A., Chan, Y. K., Fresneau, A., Salama, F. & Santos, O. Organics Exposure in Orbit (OREOcube): A Next-Generation Space Exposure Platform. Langmuir 30, 13217-27 (2014). ACS Editor´s Choice

[12] Perfumo, A., Elsaesser, A., Littmann, S., Foster, R. a, Kuypers, M. M. M., Cockell, C. S. & Kminek, G. Epifluorescence, SEM, TEM and nanoSIMS image analysis of the cold phenotype of Clostridium psychrophilum at subzero temperatures. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 90, 869-882 (2014). Chief Editor´s Choice

[13] Aerts, J. W., Röling, W. F. M., Elsaesser, A. & Ehrenfreund, P. Biota and biomolecules in extreme environments on Earth: implications for life detection on Mars. Life 4, 535–65 (2014).

[14] Cook, A. M., Mattioda, A. L., Ricco, A. J., Quinn, R. C., Elsaesser, A., Ehrenfreund, P., Ricca, A., Jones, N. C. & Hoffmann, S. V. The Organism/Organic Exposure to Orbital Stresses (O/OREOS) Satellite: Radiation Exposure in Low-Earth Orbit and Supporting Laboratory Studies of Iron Tetraphenylporphyrin Chloride. Astrobiology 14, 87–101 (2014).

[15] Van Hoecke, K., De Schamphelaere, K. A. C., Ali, Z., Zhang, F., Elsaesser, A., Rivera-Gil, P., Parak, W. J., Smagghe, G., Howard, C. V & Janssen, C. R. Ecotoxicity and uptake of polymer coated gold nanoparticles. Nanotoxicology 7, 37–47 (2013).

[16] Kim, E.-M., Palmer, P., Howard, V., Elsaesser, A., Taylor, A., Staats, G. & O’Hare, E. Effect of Intracerebroventricular Injection of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Complex Behaviour in the Rat. J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 13, 8325–8330 (2013).

[17] Elsaesser, A. & Howard, C. V. Toxicology of nanoparticles. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 64, 129–137 (2012).

[18] De Vera, J.-P., Boettger, U., de la Torre Noetzel, R., Sánchez, F. J., Grunow, D., Schmitz, N., Lange, C., Hübers, H.-W., Billi, D., Baqué, M. & others. Supporting Mars exploration: BIOMEX in Low Earth Orbit and further astrobiological studies on the Moon using Raman and PanCam technology. Planet. Space Sci. 74, 103–110 (2012).

[19] Park, M. V. D. Z., Verharen, H. W., Zwart, E., Hernandez, L. G., van Benthem, J., Elsaesser, A., Barnes, C., McKerr, G., Howard, C. V., Salvati, A. & others. Genotoxicity evaluation of amorphous silica nanoparticles of different sizes using the micronucleus and the plasmid lacZ gene mutation assay. Nanotoxicology 5, 168–181 (2011).

[20] Park, M. V. D. Z., Lynch, I., Ramírez-García, S., Dawson, K. A., de la Fonteyne, L., Gremmer, E., Slob, W., Briedé, J. J., Elsaesser, A., Howard, C. V. & others. In vitro evaluation of cytotoxic and inflammatory properties of silica nanoparticles of different sizes in murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. J. Nanoparticle Res. 13, 6775–6787 (2011).

[21] Elsaesser, A., Barnes, C. A., McKerr, G., Salvati, A., Lynch, I., Dawson, K. A. & Howard, C. V. Quantification of nanoparticle uptake by cells using an unbiased sampling method and electron microscopy. Nanomedicine 6, 1189–1198 (2011).

[22] Perfumo, A., Cockell, C., Elsaesser, A., Marchant, R. & Kminek, G. Microbial diversity in Calamita ferromagnetic sand. Environ. Microbiol. Rep. 3, 483–490 (2011).

[23] Hazekamp, J., Doherty, S., Elsaesser, A., Barnes, C. A., O’Hagan, B. M. G., McKerr, G. & Howard, C. V. Focussed ion beam milling at grazing incidence angles. J. Microsc. 242, 104–110 (2011).

[24] Elsaesser, A., Taylor, A., de Yanés, G. S., McKerr, G., Kim, E.-M., O’Hare, E. & Howard, C. V. Quantification of nanoparticle uptake by cells using microscopical and analytical techniques. Nanomedicine 5, 1447–1457 (2010).

[25] Hoecke, K. Van, Quik, J. T. K., Mankiewicz-Boczek, J., Schamphelaere, K. A. C. De, Elsaesser, A., Meeren, P. Van der, Barnes, C., McKerr, G., Howard, C. V., Meent, D. Van De & others. Fate and effects of CeO2 nanoparticles in aquatic ecotoxicity tests. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 4537–4546 (2009).

[26] Park, M. V. D. Z., Annema, W., Salvati, A., Lesniak, A., Elsaesser, A., Barnes, C., McKerr, G., Howard, C. V., Lynch, I., Dawson, K. A. & others. In vitro developmental toxicity test detects inhibition of stem cell differentiation by silica nanoparticles. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 240, 108–116 (2009).

[27] Barnes, C. A., Elsaesser, A., Arkusz, J., Smok, A., Palus, J., Lesniak, A., Salvati, A., Hanrahan, J. P., Jong, W. H. de, Dziuba\ltowska, E. & others. Reproducible comet assay of amorphous silica nanoparticles detects no genotoxicity. Nano Lett. 8, 3069–3074 (2008).

[28] Samsonov, D., Elsaesser, A., Edwards, A., Thomas, H. M. & Morfill, G. E. High speed laser tomography system. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 35102 (2008).